I admit it. I’ve exaggerated a bit over the last few weeks. The combination of a lot of work and lots of extra activities had pushed my body to the limit. The nights have been shorter than usual over the last few weeks. To be more precise, too short. Examples:
After a ski weekend ⛷️mit 50 colleagues from work, which involved a little less sleep, I got home at 11pm. Of course, the next morning I was back at the gym again at 6:15 a.m. 🏋️ and then it was off to the airport ✈️ for work and straight to Poland. The body can do without sleep from time to time, but if we don’t get enough in the long term, we become susceptible to illness.
Last week it happened to me. I was infected by my daughter, who was sick in bed with the flu.
At first I thought, “Marc, you’re fit, you’ll be fine.” I had constantly kept my body at a high level. Last Friday I had worked hard and then gave my all as a speaker 🎤 at the Pecha Kucha Night at the Neues Museum in Nuremberg. On Saturday, there was the Toastmasters Area Contest 🏆in Schwabach, which I helped organize as Area Director. The contest was a great success. I was still active with all kinds of roles until lunchtime. In the afternoon, I took my time to watch the rest of the contest and then the time had come. It pulled my feet out from under me. After all the tension went away, I fell ill and have been lying on the sofa sick with my daughter ever since. We both sleep a lot. The body is now getting back the sleep it didn’t get and trying to regain its strength.
Has it been worth it? No, not really. My body now needs a break from training and the work has been put on hold.
Pay attention to your sleep and recovery times.
➡️ How much sleep do you need?
➡️ How well do you sleep?